Brands (and Marketeers) That Create Value

Whilst everybody believes Brands and Marketing are important, 80% of CEO’s dislike or distrust their CMO (the corresponding number for CFO’s is 10%). Research confirms that most CFO’s see Marketeers as flakes and AdAgencies as flakes squared.

VUCASTAR® grounds the Marketing Department into value creating strategy and make them a contributor to driving Total Shareholder Return. The world’s most valuable brands have a strong underlying strategic foundation. They are also very disciplined in execution. There is a “system” to manage brands. (read more…)

We provide the tools to manage brands at strategic and executional level. Tools include the Activity System, Profit Modelling, the Equity Pyramid, the AdBrain Map, The Consumer at the Core model, and the Brand Span Matrix. According to Client needs, we also provide case studies on storyboard and advertising evaluation.

Peter Corijn (our CEO) was Global Chief Marketing Officer at Imperial Brands. He also has 25 years of experience at P&G, with most of it spent in senior Marketing roles. He is a Fellow of the UK Marketing Academy.